
Friday 2 March 2012

FAST BOWLING An ART - With some help from science

What are we trying to teach :
  • Technique
  • Mechanics
  • Processes-Methods-Means-”How To”
  • Decision Making
  • THOUGHTS ie How to get your bowlers thinking of something, anything!
How are we teaching
  • Observation – getting the information
  • Video
  • Naked Eye
  • Different Angles
  • Record your observations & thoughts
  • Constant feedback
  • Learning as you coach
Interpreting - what we observe
  • Different strokes for different folks
  • If you ever see two identical bowlers make a note
  • Form ( technique ) v Form ( bowling figures )
  • The same symptom doesn’t mean same diagnosis
  • Specifics Explain EXACTLY what you mean. Don’t assume the player will know what you are talking about
  • Involve the player to help increase his/her understanding
  • Most important piece of equipment
  • Artificial / turf
  • Spike number and length
  • Brett Lee has 13 spikes on left shoe
  • Toe protection
  • Laces / velcro
  • Multiple pairs
  • Clean !!!!! Love and affection
  • No Ball problems
  • Toe to line or heel ?
  • Short strides at the beginning
  • Accelerate
  • Balance in run up , balance at Release
  • Good net habits - r u angles, close to stumps, umpire
  • Marker is only a GUIDE
  • Breeze
  • Outfield
  • Slope
  • Using the Crease
  • Obstacles ( sprinkler heads, holes )
  • Flexibility
  • “Feel” Peripheral Awareness
WHERE Line and Length
WHAT & HOW Technique changes
WHY Set up / Dot / Out
WHAT FIELD A very important process
Making a Conscious Decision
  • Ask a player/bowler what, specifically they are doing at practice- “ nothing, just bowling
  • Make a decision EVERY time you bowl a ball
  • For some bowlers this is automatic.
  • A ‘Natural’ Length: They bowl a “ natural “ length ( Shaun Pollock,Glenn McGrath and Dennis Lillee had the perfect “ natural length, as do most outstanding bowlers.
  • Spinners have more complicated thought patterns so they tend to think through every or most deliveries and the field placements that go with them.
  • 50 over and now 20 over cricket has in one way simplified the thought process and at the same time made bowlers consciously think moreabout what type and where they bowl each ball ( 24 balls means you don’t have too think that hard )
  • Specific scenario work in the nets or centre wicket usually provokes decisions but coaches need to set exercises every time a ball is sent down. EVERY ball should have a purpose either technical, physical or tactical. Note reminders
  • There maybe a trigger point where a decision is made, eg top of the bowling mark, walking back past the stumps ( the next decision is largely based on what happened to the ball before ).
  • This varies somewhat when a batsmen moves around the crease so there also needs to be another option or three!
  • Practicing Yorkers and Bouncers ( which are several meters difference in length is essential.
  • Practicing late decision making is essential eg what are the options if a batsmen backs away or charges ? What can I do in delivery stride?
  • A lot of theories at the moment
  • Over use / repetitive strain ( cf Australia this week !!)
  • Building stamina and endurance
  • Gym versus Nets
  • Running???
  • Remember , you train to play cricket NOT to be a great trainer!!
  • Fitness programs determined by CRICKET Coach and Fitness expert ( Art ? Science? )
With All of our modern knowledge and training techniques WHY aren’t we producing more genuine FAST ( 145-155 kph ) bowlers. All other athletic fields keep getting higher, faster, stronger??

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