
Friday 2 March 2012

Players Development

Qualities of Successful Players :
Being able to perform consistently under any conditions is the aim and goal of every sportsperson. They train, practice, prepare and think about competing.

Performing ‘in games’ is what they love, it sets players apart from the rest . It is how teams are selected, and champions recognised.

The secret to consistent performance is knowing your game ,and how you play.
  • What sort of a player are YOU
  • What are YOU like under pressure
  • When do YOU perform your best
Are there any similarities between all your best performance
Characteristics of ‘Game Tough Players’
  • They understand all games start even, despite what happens beforehand.
  • They have the common sense to understand games always ebb and flow, and changes in momentum can be controlled.
  • They have a natural ‘feel’ for when an important change is going to occur in a game.
  • They understand that ‘a’ player can quickly affect the outcome of a game by changing the momentum in favour of his team.
  • They instinctively know when to act in a game.
  • They are not always the most ‘brilliant’ player nor the ‘star’ player of the team.
  • They use their career averages etc, as motivation to improve and perform.
Personal Qualities of Game Tough Players
  • They are able to prioritise their training to practice the skills necessary to develop their game.
  • They can manage their relationships and interests outside of sport so they can lead a balanced life.
  • They always put the team before themselves and their performances.
  • They have a calm and positive manner.
  • They are reliable players and people
  • They believe in their ability to play the game
  • They understand their own strengths/weaknesses
  • They enjoy ‘playing. Competition is natural
  • They don’t talk about themselves or the game
  • They are positive risk takers in matches
  • They are not intimidated by possible outcomes
  • The opposition is part of the game
They accept success is not automatic because they have worked hard. The outcome of the game is decided on the field.
  • They enjoy games more than practice
  • They are able to become mentally absorbed in the game
  • They know and understand what is happening at all times during matches
  • They are quick to sense shifts in momentum
  • They are very perceptive about opposition players moods and confidence
  • They enjoy responding to opposition plans and strategies….and doing something !
How do players develop ‘Game Toughness’
  • This is an extremely personal characteristic.
  • Common to them all is, they understand they can only
  • Not worrying about issues apart from their own preparation and their game plan
  • Not being diverted by other people or team members issues
  • Not feeling ‘obliged’ to be available to everyone
  • Not being concerned about selections / press etc
  • Not spending too much time second guessing the opposition
  • Not speculating about ‘what might happen’
  • Feeling very comfortable about their role and position in the team
  • All players are different and think and prepare very differently
  • What suits some players will not fit another
  • This is a personal decision, respect others
  • How you think and ‘feel’ before a match will directly affect your performances
  • A routine is essential for most play
Can YOU control what you think ?
List some of your Thoughts and Feelings relating to some good and disappointing performances in your career.

Some ways to prepare for matches..,
Rest : very important but don’t force it, rest must be natural.
Silence : enhances a naturally relaxed state.
Nature : very personal choice but calming for some people.
Energetic : good to spend time with, a positive
people : and active person who stimulates energy and optimism
Activity : being involved in unrelated projects and physical work is mentally relaxing

Some don’t’s …..,
  • Dream about desirable personal performances or your ‘starring’ role in matches
  • Visualise about match fluctuations and the role of members of opposition
  • Speculate about selectors’ decisions and performances of other members of your team
  • Anticipate how the opposition will play
  • Over analyse your past performance/s or the team’s in prior matches
  • Talk about what might happen in a game
  • How well do you know YOURSELF AS A PLAYER

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