
Friday 2 March 2012

Throwing Skills

The pressure is on the advanced coach to build a highly skilled thrower and throwing team.
  • No player can make it to the top without a throwing arm which can:
  • Produce powerful accurate throws
  • Cope with the pressure (injury free)
Accurate throwing takes wickets and helps win matches
Your players must be skilled to throw in a variety of ways
Your players must be skilled to throw in a variety of ways
Develop the basics of skilled throwing:
  • Arm preparation
  • Proper mechanics
  • Power production
  • Alignment
What do you see in this clip?
Proper Mechanics
Use the correct throwing sequence  
Advanced throwing coaching requires you to:
  • Commit practice time and specialist staff
  • Utilize regularly a set of drills that develop and hone the skill
  • Be able to monitor your players to keep track of their throwing action and ability
Arm Preparation
  • Specific Conditioning – gym work to build the throwing musculature and daily flexibility exercises
  • Throwing conditioning – every training session should include a throwing routine (further builds up arm strength and maintains it over the whole season)
Example for a conditioning session:
Throwing to be done for at least 10 -15 minutes over various ranges
  • Start short 15 -20 metres
  • Mid range 30 -35metres
  • Longer range 40 – 50 metres
  • Start at around 50% capacity and don’t build over 70 – 80%.In the mid and long range drills throw a combination of full length and bounce throws
  • always ensure the players are throwing with proper mechanics
Wind Up
Power step...side on, under the body
Power Phase
  • Release with the arm in the best mechanical position
  • shoulder height
  • L shape
Problems affecting the ball reaching the target!
  • Poor Grip Position
  • Fingers under the ball
  • stress on the shoulder
  • no ‘whipping’ of wrist
  • Fingers down the seam
  • Poor alignment of feet
  • Lack of power platform and leg drive
  • Poor arm preparation

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